How to Embarrass Your Teenage Daughter in Three Easy Steps

Monday Musings by Melinda M.

1) Show up at her (new) work place
My teenage daughter got her first job this summer at a local drive-in, which for non-Hawaii readers is not a drive-in at all but a family-run eatery where you usually walk up to a counter and order something from the pressed letter menus above the stainless steel work station. I was so proud of her and, like for all of her other “firsts” – steps, day of school, soccer game, high school dance – I wanted to see her in action and capture the milestone on camera. So, of course, I showed up to do that! It did not go well. While all of her co-workers thought it was cute that I showed up and seemed to enjoy meeting me, my daughter felt quite the opposite.IMG_0925

2) Take pictures
I just wanted 1 or 2 action shots! Is that too much to ask? Apparently it was. I didn’t even need her to pose for me but I definitely didn’t want her to purposefully pose away from me! As soon as I would snap the picture, she’d turn her head away or roll her eyes or some other clear indication that I needed to stop. Argh – just one picture, please!!

3) Laugh comfortably – i.e., heartily, loudly – at her workplace
So I ordered something to eat. And I ate it there, with my other teenage daughter, and as I thought about how much I was embarrassing my daughter and how savory it was to be on the delivering end of things after having been on the receiving end of it when I was a teenager, I just couldn’t help giggling. And as I started giggling and then seeing how just that simple act was making my younger daughter squirm in her seat, I started giggling louder. And then thinking about how my giggling was probably now reaching my older daughter’s ears back in the kitchen (which it was), I just got louder and then louder still as I saw the ricochet effect it was having on my younger daughter and before you know it, I could barely breathe! Oh, I had become The Embarrassing Mom! I had done it and the thought of it was sending me into hysterics.

Now for extra “embarrassing your daughter” credit in the new millennium:

4) Post about it using cringe-worthy hashtags that you didn’t know were “cringe-y”
Later that day, I posted the proud momma picture I went down there to take. I put what I thought were the “right” hashtags to use but apparently, hashtags are supposed to be ironic or sardonic or something other than literal because ohmygodmomthatwastheworst. Sigh. So much to learn – or not! #amotherstradition


  1. Hilarious!! Sue is laughing her *ss off!!!! Don’t ever let that tradition go! I can hear your “giggling” loud and clear!!


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